Job preparation mathJob preparation BCS and other job examination guidelines
Digit it is expressin
Such as -a+b, a-b, 6a+5b three expressionbecause it is at mathematics digits or symbols face of math.। First and third expression (+) symbols and third (-) added.
Term of the expressions
That part of expression (+) or (-) stay added by symbols . , It's log off expression য. Such as. a÷b+a-2c+b÷6a×5b . It's four expression okay steb by step a÷b, a,2c and b÷6a×5b it's four expression : a÷b,a, 2c and b,÷6a×5b.Co - efficient
any expression and any digit with into . consider to then adding so it is co- efficient. Cx expression C. Xp and efficient . Expression of p .such as 3x ,8xy, 4a✓ etc. One expressin 3 8 4।* Simply stay in one expressin, then one expressin. Such as. 6ab
* if it Between expressin. Such as 6ab+5c
* If stay in third expression then three expression. Such as :6ab+5c+d.
*If stay three in one so it uncountable expression . Such as: 6ab+5c+d+ef.
(sq.formulation )
We will be solve job examination questions.
Example solve it?
1/(a+b)✓ = ?(a) a✓+b✓. (b)a✓-2ab+b✓
✓(c,)a✓+2ab+b✓. (d)2a+2b
Example = (a+b)✓= a✓+2ab+b,✓
2/ 2x+1 ?
(a) 4x✓4x+2. (b)4x✓+2x+1
(c)2x✓+4x+1 (d)✓4x✓+4x+1
Example: (2x+1)= (2x)✓+2.2x.1+2✓= 4✓+4x,,+2
3/ 2x+3y ?
(a) 2x✓+6xy+6y✓. (b)4x✓+12xy+9y✓
(c)4x✓+6xy+6y✓ (d)2x✓+12xy+6y✓
Example (2x+3y)✓=(2x)✓.2.2x.3y+(3y)✓
4/(a-b)✓ = how it?
(a) (a+b)✓-2ab. (b) (a-b)✓+2ab
(c) (a+b)✓-4ab. (d) (a+b)+4ab
Example (a-b)✓=a✓-2ab+b✓= ( a+,b)✓-4ab
5/ -2ab+b✓+a✓ = how it?
(a) (a+b)✓ ✓ (b) (a-b)✓
(c)(b+a)✓. ((a✓-b✓)
Example -2ab+,b✓+a✓=a✓-2ab+,b✓=(a-b)✓
6/(a-b)(a-b)= How it?
a)a✓-b✓ ✓ b)a✓-2ab+b✓
c)a✓+2ab+b✓ d)a✓+b✓
Example (a-b)(a-b) = (a-b)✓=a✓-2ab+b✓
7/ a✓+b✓ = How it?
a)(a-b)✓+4ab. ✓ b)(a+b)✓-2ab
c)(a-b)✓-2ab. d)a✓-b✓+2ab
Example a✓+b✓= (a✓+2ab+b✓)-2ab=(a+b)✓-2ab
8)2(a✓+b✓)= How it?
a)(a+b)✓-(a-b)✓. b)(a-b)✓-(a+b)✓
✓c)(a+b)✓+(a-b)✓. d)(a+b)✓-4ab
9)1/2{(a+b)✓+(a-b)✓}= How it?
a)a✓+b✓. b)a✓-b✓
✓c)(a+b)✓/2-(a-b)✓/2 . d)(a+b)✓+(a-b)✓
Example 2/2{(a+b)✓+(a-b)✓=1/2{(a✓+2ab+b✓)+(a✓-2ab+b✓}
. =1/2(a✓+2ab+b✓+a✓)
10/ (x+y)-(x-y)= How it?
a)x✓. b)y✓
c)x✓-y✓ . d) 2xy. ✓e)4xy
(x+y)✓-(x-y)✓= (x+y+x-y)(x+y-x+y)
12/ between expressin?
✓a)(a+b)(a-b). b)(a✓+b✓)
c)(a-b)(a-b). d)√a+b-√a-b
13/ ab = How it?
a)(a+b)✓/2-(a+b)✓. ✓b)(a+b)✓/2-(a-b)✓/2
c)a✓+b✓/2-a✓-b✓/2. d)(a+b)✓+(a-b)✓
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